80 pcs fresh red roses in bouquet
Red roses in bouquet means symbol of love. Its great way to show some love with this bouquet of red roses. So don't take any time just order this bouquet and express your love...
9 pcs red roses in bouquet
Its magical bouquet of red roses. This bouquet brings more lovely day. Red rose is the perfect gift of love and feeling. When your partner is having a special moment in life then this bouquet helps you to make more beautiful moment. There is no better to express your love just convey tour love by this bouquet...
All Is Bright Basket
Carnations can convey your feeling of love, charm & dedication to your loved ones, you can have this nice arrangement of 20pcs pink carnations with a basket...
Always Fresh
1 kg Apples , 1 piece Bedana ( Large size), 1 kg Malta , 1 Dozen Banana , 1 piece Pineapple in a basket arrangement...
Always Fresh
1 kg Apples , 1 piece Bedana ( Large size), 1 kg Malta , 1 dozen Banana , 1 piece Pineapple in a basket arrangement. Basket may vary...
Assorted Fruit Basket
1 kg Apples , 1 piece Bedana (Large size), 1 kg Malta , 1 dozen Banana , 1 piece Pineapple in a basket arrangement. Basket may vary...
Assortment of chocolate pralines large gift pack
Imported 265 gm Gourmet collection Assortment of chocolate pralines large gift pack. Ready to enjoy anywhere, Order this for your family and friends and make them smile!..
BBQ Chicken Pizza – Family Size
Family size (12inch) BBQ Chicken Non-Vegetarian Pizza from Pizza Hut. A delicious blend of BBQ chicken, onions and capsicum, layered with hot melting cheese. This pizza is suitable for four person. (Same day delivery available in Dhaka & Chittagong city only after 12 pm) ..
BBQ Chicken Pizza – Medium Size
Medium size (9inch) BBQ Chicken Non-Vegetarian Pizza from Pizza Hut. A delicious blend of BBQ chicken, onions and capsicum, layered with hot melting cheese. This pizza is suitable for two person. (Same day delivery available in Dhaka & Chittagong city only after 12 pm) ..
Beauty In Sight
6pcs cute pink lilies in a glass vase. Send this beautiful lily bouquet to your loved ones in any special occasion in Bangladesh. Vase design may vary according to the availability...
Beef Chowmein
If you are Beef lover! 1 Dish Beef chowmein from chinese Restaurant. So why are you waiting now! Just order it from BDRose...
Beef Lovers Pizza – Family Size
Family size (12inch) Beef Lovers Non-Vegetarian Pizza from Pizza Hut. A beefy package of beef, onions, black olives and capsicum, oozing with cheese. This pizza is suitable for four person. (Same day delivery available in Dhaka & Chittagong city only after 12 pm) ..
Beef Lovers Pizza – Medium Size
Medium size (9inch) Beef Lovers Non-vegetarian Pizza from Pizza Hut. A beefy package of beef, onions, black olives and capsicum, oozing with cheese. This pizza is suitable for two person. (Same day delivery available in Dhaka & Chittagong city only after 12 pm) ..
Birthday balloons
Its looking very nice birthday balloons. There colorful 2 pcs mylar balloons and 6 pcs latex balloon. Its best gift in birthday...