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Mixed flower in Bouquet

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Send these flowers to brighten up someone's day as fresh, vibrant and colourful. This gift consists of 8 white rose, 8 pink gerbera and 6 pink lilies Bouquet. Order online this gift for your loved-one to wish on valentines day, birthday, anniversary all other occasions in Bangladesh. It can be a very precious gift to wish "Get well soon"..


Mixed Gerbera in a Vase

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Send these flowers to brighten up someone's day as fresh or colourful. This gift consists of 24 mix color Gerbera in a vase...


Pink and White Lilies Bouquet

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The best way to show love to your special-ones is gift of flowers to make it more special and memorable. Send this gift for expressing your feelings. This gift consists of 6 pink lilies, 6 White lilies in a bouquet...


Pink Gerbera and Roses Bouquet

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This beautiful bouquet of pink color rose and gerbera is a great gift for someone you like to connect with love and never want to lose. You can make them happy by gifting this pleasing bouquet on their special days. This gift consist of 12 pink color rose and gerbera. ..


Purple Orchids in a bouquet

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Gift your some-ones a wonderful and amazing arrangement of Purple orchids bouquet. Send this bouquet to someone special for expressing your feelings. These gift consist of 12 Purple orchids bouquet...

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Rainbow Rose 1 Dozen

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1 dozen rainbow roses in a bouquet.This colorful rose bouquet is surely bring a smile to your loved one's face.Please place your order at least 7days before of Delivery...


Red Roses & Lilies in Bouquet

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In this gift item, gorgeous fresh pink lilies and sharing space with red rose. These  bouquet is arranged with 6 red roses with 8 pink lilies. Order online this gift for your loved-one to wish on valentines day, birthday, anniversary all other occasions in Bangladesh. It can be a very precious gift to wish "Get well soon"..


Red roses in bouquet

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12pcs red roses in a bouquet...


Simply Perfect Bouquet

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One dozen long lasting and popular pink carnations with added baby’s breath and greens, arranged in a glass vase with matching pink bow. The vase might vary according to the availability...


Stunning Beauty Bouquet

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Carnations can convey your feeling of love, charm & dedication to her, you can have this nice bouquet of 20pcs red carnations with a glass vase. Vase design may vary...


Stunning Roses Bouquet

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12pcs red & white roses mix in a nicely wrapped bouquet...


Surprise Bouquet

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One half dozen long-stemmed red roses with baby’s breath, presented in a rose box...


The One & Only You

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2 dozen red roses in a nicely wrapped bouquet. This is very beautiful bouquet and everybody will fail in love when they see this bouquet. So if you wants gift this bouquet for your dear ones then send this red roses in bouquet hurry...


Vibrant bouquet

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This bunch consists of 8 stems of Red Roses. This is best given as a token of your Love Start.  ..


White Lilies in a bouquet

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Gift your loved ones a wonderful and exotic arrangement of white lilies. The Lilies symbolizes purity, sweetness and refined beauty. This beautiful gift are arrangement of 8/9pcs white lilies in a Bouquet. send these beautiful gift to your loved-one any special occasion like valentines day, birthday, anniversary and make them happy...

Showing 46 to 60 of 62 (5 Pages)